Saturday, August 14, 2021

Learn How to Find Pictures on Your Computer, Resize and Print from a Word Processing Document

Follow the steps below to get pictures from your computer that can easily be downloaded into a word processing document and resized to fit on your canvas (a rock perhaps?)

1.  Go to your computers search engine (I use Google) and type what you would like to find a picture of into the search bar.

2.  In this example, I will be searching for a "hummingbird" (but you can type in whatever you would like, perhaps "garden flowers").  So type 'hummingbird' into the search bar (see picture below...)



3.  Hit 'Enter'.  Nextdirectly underneath the search box or somewhere on the page depending on what search engine you use, you should see a list of choices, they are:  Web, Shopping, Images, Videos, News, More.  Select "Images" from the menu below by left clicking with your mouse on your search screen...

4.  You will see many pictures of hummingbirds appear.  Scroll down until you see one you would like to use for your project.

5.  Using your mouse, hover over your selected picture and 'Left click' once on the picture to make it larger (you should see the picture you selected pop up larger somewhere on your screen).

6.  Now with your mouse, move to hover over the larger version of your selected image and 'Right click' on it (refer to the picture directly below this paragraph).  Select 'Save Image As' from the choices in the box that pops up (it's the seventh choice down in the selections on Google, NOT 'Save LINK As' - there's a difference)

The hummingbird I selected is shown on the right hand side of the screen above.
On the left side of the screen are the smaller pictures of the hummingbirds before I 
selected the one I want to save.  It is the one in the last row on the right.  

7.  You should now have a new window pop up and at the bottom of the screen you should see two long white rectangular boxes, one will be asking you where you want to save the picture, and the other how you want to save your picture...


8.  The answer to 'Where' is 'Desktop' and you should rename it 'hummingbird' in the white box, erasing the computer given name of letters and numbers that it was assigned automatically by backspacing over them and typing in "Hummingbird".  The answer to 'How' is as a 'JPEG' (bottom rectangular box).

9.  Now go to your Desktop to locate your picture under the name you saved it to, in this case "Hummingbird".  Open the picture by hitting the 'Left click' button on your mouse while hovering over the picture file on your Desktop.   When the file opens up, 'Right click' while hovering over the picture and in the box that pops up select 'Copy' or 'Copy Image'.

10.  Directly after hitting 'Copy' or 'Copy Image' in the step above exit out of  where you have the picture saved.  In another window, open up a blank word processing document.  'Right click' in the blank word document file.  Select 'Paste'.  Your image should appear!  It should look something like this...


11.  Once the image appears, hover over the picture and 'Left click' on it.  A thin lined box (see the picture above) should appear around your image and now you can resize it easily by clicking on the corner of the box and pulling it with your mouse until it's the size you like.  Save your image into this word processing document for reference or to resize it if you'd like to make it smaller or larger.


12.  If you are going to use this picture to transfer onto a rock by drying it face down onto the surface using Mod Podge, then you should format the picture by flipping it horizontally before you print it out (use the Format button, see the picture above for reference - Format is the last selection on the top line in the word processing document)


13.  Print out your image on your inkjet printer.  You can also print a 'Mirror Image' in the print commands to skip Step 12 above.


14.  If you are going to use my freezer paper method of image transfer, click on the video link below to learn how to print on freezer paper from your computer.





Please note that the videos linked below may have a different subject matter (not “hummingbirds”) and they are just here for your reference and to help you learn about this process.


If you have any questions about the process outlined here, please leave your question(s) in the ‘Comments’ section on one of the videos linked below.


How to Make Freezer Paper Sheets for your Inkjet Printer



Printing Commands Tutorial for Printing onto Freezer Paper



Once you've printed your images onto freezer paper, you can learn how to transfer them onto your rock by watching the video below:


How to Transfer an Image to a Rock Using White Acrylic Paint and Mod Podge


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